I’m building a data science team at Talus Bio, where we develop drugs to target previously untargetable gene regulatory proteins. My team and I develop AI-enabled software to analyze mass spectrometry data and maximize what we can learn from it.
Previously, I was a postdoc in Bill Noble’s lab in the University of Washington Department of Genome Sciences. I received my PhD from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, under the direction of Dudley Strickland and David Goodlett.
Outside of science I enjoy good coffee, hiking, playing banjo, and riding my fixie around Seattle. I also serve as an amateur audio engineer at our church, Cross & Crown.
The posts here are an eclectic mix of things related to my research and hobbies. However, all opinions and views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the views of my employer. The posts here will always be free of ads and never behind a paywall. Unless otherwise noted, all content is licensed as CC-BY-NC.
This site is powered by Hugo and Quarto. It uses my custom Marmot theme.
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